Vehicle Inspection Program
All vehicles subject to inspection by the New York State Department of Transportation are required to be inspected at least every six months. The operator is responsible for providing an adequate inspection facility as the NYSDOT does not operate facilities for the inspection of vehicles.
Vehicles subject to NYSDOT inspection include the following:
- Vehicles transporting passengers under the age of 21 years, to and from schools, for hire, or owned and/or operated by school districts or any public or private school. Also included are vehicles used to transport passengers under the age of 21 years between school programs and community residences.
- Vehicles operated in New York State, pursuant to or requiring a certificate or permit for the transportation of passengers, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) or the Commissioner of NYSDOT.
- All Commercial Vehicle operated pursuant to or requiring regulatory authority from any city that has adopted an ordinance, local law or charter to regulate a franchise bus line operation pursuant to the New York State Transportation Law.
- Special Fleet Account Rates available.

In order to access the services available within the Vehicle Inspection Program, Contact us here: